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The impact of coronavirus on autistic people and their guardians in Japan

"National Information and Support Center for Persons with Developmental Disorders" of Japan, took a survey of autistic people and guardians in Japan and released the results on September 4.

Questionnaire on the impact of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

They received 852 responses (352 from autistic people and 500 from guardians).

Many autistic people and guardians worried about their mental health, increased physical discomfort.

62% autistic people worried about their mental health.

41% autistic people had more money-related concerns.

Many autistic people struggle to wear a face covering, for example due to sensory overload.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan have no opinion about exempt autistic people from wear a mask

Many guardians said their child had difficulty understanding the infection control measures.

A parent said that I would like information on who will care for our autistic child if someone in our family was infected, and if our autistic child was infected, I want information on his treatment and care.