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Clubhouse IPS(CIPS)
At the group homes "Clubhouse IPS(CIPS)"designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which we operate, people with autism and developmental disorders live independently in private apartments and are connected loosely.
CIPS is a "transit group home" aiming to live alone within 3 years of moving in. The main users are those with developmental disabilities or other disabilities in interpersonal communication. In cooperation with specialized outpatient clinics, psychological counselors, and concerned parties, we are building a support network to support users who tend to be isolated due to difficulties in interpersonal communication.
In addition, we aim to develop high communication skills, and by responding flexibly to individual users and understanding and responding to their needs, we will build relationships that enable users to consult with them with trust.
CIPS is implementing a recovery program that incorporates techniques such as "Intentional Peer Support (IPS)" a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The IPS program is about equality. The goal is to build a relationship where you don't give and receive services. Everyone has a role. So I respect each person. It is a program to notice this.